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Black Eagle Maverick

Black Eagle Maverick
Black Eagle Maverick thumbnail
Black Eagle Maverick thumbnail
Black Eagle Maverick thumbnail
Black Eagle Maverick thumbnail

Introducing the Black Eagle Maverick, our most intelligent and user-friendly coffee machine to date. If the Black Eagle VA388 changed the way barista’s work, the Black Eagle Maverick changes the way they think.

Our new T3 Genius technology has been developed to provide the barista with absolute control over their brew by providing them with the tools to allow for meticulous precision, resulting in outstanding performance and unrivalled efficiency. Gravimetric technology provides the barista with higher levels of consistency and control over the coffee brew by allowing them to read the weight of coffee in the cup from the Group display. And for maximum precision, you can now stop the extraction at the desired weight.

PureBrew technology is a revolutionary, three phase, extraction method that uses pulsating frequencies of water pressure to release the purest flavour from your coffee bean according to its freshness, region and type. Discover new flavours of your espresso with PureBrew Technology or apply PureBrew as low-pressure extraction to create a new, unique coffee extraction.

Coffee is so much more than the sum of its parts, it’s no longer something we spoon into a mug in the morning, it’s an integral part of our lives. However, for our Mavericks, coffee is an inspiration, in each and every instance, coffee has quite literally changed their lives.

Dimensions WxHxD806 X 426 X 682mm
Group Height100mm
Net Weight (empty)90kg
Dimensions WxHxD1056 X 426 X 682mm
Group Height 100mm
Net Weight (empty) 115kg
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UK Importer of Victoria Arduino Espresso Machines and Grinders.

Nuova Distribution Ltd, 6a Pratt St, London, NW1 0AB

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Website by Andi Best